A double-layer acne purification formula, with 20% Zinc Oxide and 5% Colloidal Sulfur in the powder layer, and 2% Salicylic Acid and 2% Azelamide MEA and other actives in the liquid layer. It is designed for precise spot applications, and 6 hours of rapid relief of acnes.
We are often faced with suddenly inflamed acne and want quick results without having to apply anti-acne products to our entire face. That's why we created a topical treatment serum that can provide visible results in 6 hours. It breaks down the acne treatment process into four steps and we choose the optimal ingredients for each step: 20% Zinc Oxide for rapid oil control and acne maturation, 2% Salicylic Acid for pore cleansing, 5% Colloidal Sulfur and 2% MEA Azelaic Acid for targeting the cause of acne, and Sophora Keratin for reducing redness.
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